AVIATION/BOATING/WEATHER BOATHELP.LZH 147456 02-15-93 BOATERS HELPER V2.1 Ten separate tracking/management areas include everything from food and supplies, trip planning, contacts, campsites, meal preparation, to projects & repairs. From Shelter Island Press. (Requires 512k, 2 disk drives or hard drive). ASP BOATLOG.LZH 65536 02-15-93 LOG MASTER V1.0 Organize, store, recall, update and print all pertinent shipboard data. LogMaster contains three standard marine logging functions: the Ship's Log, the Maintenance Log, and the Guest Register. Handy program for both the private boat owner or Marina. DUATDCOD.LZH 81920 02-15-93 WEATHER DUAT DECODER Shortwave radio-teletype weather reports are written in DUAT shrt wrds 2 sav tme. This program expands them back to plain English. Terrific if you get your weather reports from the shortwave receiver or modem into your computer. FISHBYTE.LZH 245760 02-15-93 FISHBYTE (TM) 1.2 Intergrated Fishing and Loran log program specifically designed for the salt water angler. Stores fishing information such as, date, time, species, location, tide, etc. Also used for storing Loran coordinates. Rqs, 384k, DOS 3.3 or better, CGA, HD. JEPPLINK.LZH 278528 02-15-93 JEPP LINK WEATHER SERVICES Provides access to Jeppson Aviation's online weather map and flight planning services. Current Color and B&W weather maps are available for downloading from JEPP/LINK. Samples included. LORAN.LZH 147456 02-15-93 LORAN LOCATOR SYSTEM 5.04 The Loran C Waypoint Organizer will allow the user to store all known Loran fixes and to use this data in an efficient manner. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the use of Loran and its buzzwords. MARNAV.LZH 65536 02-15-93 MARNAV 1.0 A program to convert Latitude/ Longitude coordinates to LORAN C delays and vise versa. It will also calculate heading and distance. Time/Speed/Distance calculations can be done and printed reports made for all. ASP NAVIPAC.LZH 65536 02-15-93 NAVIGATION PAC For doing coastal and celestial marine navigation. These programs are for actually doing navigation at sea. However, you can just practice with them. NAVIPROG.LZH 147456 02-15-93 AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION PROGRAM Prepares flight log with check points. Keep perf info on multiple aircraft. Airport, navaid, rnav, climb-decent profiles, great circle planning, US VOR database and more. Course, compass & ground speed corrections. ETE, ETA & Fuel estimates and more ! PC_FLY.LZH 131072 02-15-93 PC FLY Tracks to 15 aircraft. Flight log incl/ est. ground speed, fuel/hr, departure, airports, checkpoints, distances. Calculates distances, ground speed, bid rates, time & fuel, more. Save flight routes, etc. RACELORN.LZH 81920 02-15-93 RACING LOCATOR An intelligent new way to plan and prepare for races and regattas that require you to follow a prescribed course containing multiple waypoints. (Requires 384k). SAILSCOR.LZH 65536 02-15-93 SAILBOAT RACE SCORING SYS Easy to use menus to update fleet and race data. Scores by Olympic, Hi & Low Point Methods. Edit & Print Fleet Data, Race results, Regatta results and seasonal standings. Up to 200 boats and 100 races. Includes sample database of 10 boats & 5 races. STORM.LZH 229376 02-15-93 STORM 6.11 Beautifully written program! You can add your city or any other to the list and track Hurricanes as they develop. You can save information on Hurricanes then later update them and print them out. TRACKER1.LZH 163840 02-15-93 TRACKER 1.1 1 of 2 Disks An EGA hurricane tracking system. Comes with data of all the tropical, subtropical and extra tropical cyclones that have occurred in the Atlantic basin from 1950-1986. Over 300 storms! It also lets you input TRACKER2.LZH 163840 02-15-93 TRACKER 1.1 2 of 2 Disks (continued) new data in an easy to use spreadsheet format. Beautifully written program. Includes features like FIND, Screen color control, even prints map to the printer. (Requires EGA, a hard drive, and 256k). WEATH13.LZH 32768 02-15-93 WEATHER STATS & RECORDS V1.3 A database for displaying weather records and calculating statistics from the database. Includes sample weather database. WEATHER.LZH 180224 02-15-93 WEATHER Displays and prints high/low, temperature, pressure, rainfall, for your location for any date and year. Weather Radar Plotting program to read radar data obtained from services around the country (this requires EGA). WEATHR51.LZH 65536 02-15-93 WEATHER FORECASTER V5.1 Accurately forecast weather using simple data. Input barometric pressure (rising, falling, steady.) and wind direction to generate forecast. Also calculates wind chill, temperature humidity index, heat index, and dew point. WX60.LZH 65536 02-15-93 WEATHER FORECASTER From the Temperature and Barometric Pressures changes predicts the weather for the next 24- 48 hours. Includes Wind Chill, Heat Index and Temp-Humidity Index Comfort Calculators. Compare results with popular TV weather forecasters. Quite useful program. WXRDR30.LZH 131072 02-15-93 WEATHERBRIEF V3.0 Program displays weather radar pictures similar to TV news displays. Requires EGA/VGA and a modem to access & download current weather data. Auto call & download features & excellent graphics. Stores data files, comes with some. Looks good. WXRDR30.LZH 131072 02-15-93 WEATHER RADAR PLOTTING PGM Creates the Super Weather Radar images like on TV from RADAR.DAT and other DATA files. Lat, Long, Cities and Data are plotted to 100th of a Degree. Change the central display from Lexington, KY to your choice. 1 Min. downloads from Weather Bank.